
A drunk German tourist steals and smashes a bulldozer worth PLN 350,000 in Majorca

A drunk German tourist steals and smashes a bulldozer worth PLN 350,000 in Majorca

A drunk German tourist was arrested after stealing a bulldozer worth €350,000 and overturning it in Playa de Palma, Majorca. The incident occurred on June 9 in a quarry located in Camí Porciúncula. A neighbor of the quarry contacted the owner of the company and informed her that a 26-year-old German tourist had knocked over one of the machines and a man had come to her house covered in blood and asked for help. The woman went to the place and saw that the foreigner was being treated by the Police.

According to the company’s owner, the facility was closed from 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 8. The machine operated by the tourist, a Fiat Hitachi W270 weighing 25 tons, was parked about 70 meters from the place where the woman found the overturned machine. According to the complainant, the bulldozer has become unusable and she will probably have to buy a new one, as it is difficult to buy it second-hand.

The business owner told police she was sure there were no keys to the machine because employees always leave them in the office or in some corner of the vehicle.
According to the woman, the tourist’s intention was to push the loader off the construction site because it overturned on the exit and entrance ramp to the mine. As a result of the accident, hydraulic oil was spilled onto the road and had to be cleaned before traffic could be reopened.