
A rapist policeman who attacked the same woman twice in a matter of weeks has been sentenced to 12 years in prison

A rapist policeman who attacked the same woman twice in a matter of weeks has been sentenced to 12 years in prison

PC Aron May, 40, was found guilty of two sexual assaults in April following a trial at Worcester Crown Court. He has since been released by the police.

The officer, from the Bridgnorth area but working for West Midlands Police, carried out his first attack on August 14, 2019, and a few days later, at the end of the August bank holiday weekend, he attacked the same woman again.

MailOnline reported that on the first occasion he picked up and carried his victim to another room, ignoring her pleas for him to stop having sex with her. His second attack occurred while she was sleeping.

The victim confronted the officer about his crimes by secretly recording him, the court heard.

Policeman-rapist Aron May. Photo: West Mercia Police

May is said to have unleashed a volley of insults in the recording, which was used as evidence in the trial.

May, of Romsley Lane, Romsley, near Bridgnorth, was sentenced to seven years for the first rape and five years for the second rape, with both sentences to be served consecutively.

A restraining order was also imposed, prohibiting him from contacting the victim.

Although May was a West Midlands Police officer, the rapes were investigated by neighboring West Mercia Police.

Following the sentencing, Assistant Chief Constable Scott Green, of West Midlands Police, said: “Aron May was dismissed from West Midlands Police in May 2024 following a misconduct hearing following his conviction at Worcester Crown Court for two rape allegations.

“Today he was sentenced to 12 years.

“The public rightly expects the highest standards of professionalism from our officers and staff, and we are determined to ensure that those who violate these standards are held accountable.”