
Kevin Spacey admits he ‘touched someone sexually’ when they didn’t want him to

Kevin Spacey admits he ‘touched someone sexually’ when they didn’t want him to

Actor Kevin Spacey has spoken to Piers Morgan in a groundbreaking interview and admitted he was ‘too handsy’ and ‘touched someone sexually’ not knowing they didn’t want it

Kevin Spacey has addressed the allegations he has faced

Kevin Spacey has admitted to “sexually touching someone” despite the person not wanting to do so.

The actor was accused of sexual misconduct in 2017, but was found not guilty in a New York trial in 2022 and was acquitted of sexual assault charges in a separate trial in London in 2023. In a groundbreaking interview, he spoke at length to Piers Morgan about the allegations. he confronted.

However, he is likely to go on trial again in Britain in early 2025 due to a lawsuit from another man who claims Spacey sexually assaulted him. Spacey has denied all allegations.

Kevin, 64, admitted harming Piers and said he had acted inappropriately towards people. When asked about his “bad behavior”, Kevin responded that he had “pushed the boundaries”.

He later added to the TalkTV station: “Being too handsy, touching someone sexually in a way that I didn’t know at the time that they didn’t want to.” Piers responded: “Some people would say that’s criminal, that if you sexually touch people against their will that’s a crime.”

Kevin Spacey spoke to Piers Morgan during an in-depth interview

“I agree that the word ‘groping’ is a very strange word,” Kevin said, adding: “Personally, I’ve fondled people, I’ve been gentle with people, that’s who I am. Go up to someone, you don’t want to be aggressive. You want to be friendly. I don’t think the word itself is a word I associate with my experience.’

Later in the dramatic interview, Spacey broke down in tears as he revealed he had been forced to sell his house and was on the brink of bankruptcy. Having previously split his time between Britain and America, Kevin revealed his Baltimore home is currently up for auction.

He explained, “Well, it’s funny you asked that question because this week, where I’ve been living in Baltimore, my house is being foreclosed on. My house is being sold at auction. So I have to go back to Baltimore and put all my belongings in the closet. stuff in storage.” When asked where he lives, Kevin responded, “So the answer to that question is, I’m not entirely sure where I’m going to live now, but I’ve been in Baltimore since we started filming House of Cards there.”

He revealed why his home was in foreclosure, stating that he “couldn’t pay the bills” he owed, later revealing that he had “managed to more or less avoid bankruptcy” due to the rising costs of legal bills. “None,” he replied when Piers asked how much money he had left in his bank.

“Well, I mean, you have some sense of legal bills. I still owe a lot of legal bills that I haven’t been able to pay,” he stated, adding that he had a “significant” amount of debt before confirming the charges . was “many millions”. The impressive interview comes after Kevin won a bid to overturn a judgment handed down against him in a High Court sex abuse complaint.

In 2022, the Oscar-winning actor was sued by a man at the High Court in London, who claimed he was sexually abused by Spacey and suffered “psychiatric harm”. The civil claim was put on hold after Spacey was charged – and later acquitted – in criminal proceedings for a number of sex offenses committed by four men between 2001 and 2013.

At a hearing in May, the court heard that the actor’s lawyers were required to submit a written defense after the criminal proceedings ended, but had failed to do so. Subsequently, a default judgment was entered against Spacey earlier this year in the civil case over his liability. Adam Speker QC attempted on Spacey’s behalf to overturn the default ruling, describing the failure to file the paperwork as a “genuine mistake by his lawyer”.

The lawyer told the hearing in London that it would be unfair to proceed with a hearing on damages and that the disputed allegations should be taken to court. Judge David Cook vacated the standard civil judgment, saying the lawyers had “quite frankly made a mistake”. He said: “There can, in my opinion, be no excuse for overlooking the date. The simple fact of the matter is that this is a claim where the defendant’s lawyers made a mistake. In my opinion, that error should not be judged at face value. defendant.”