
Abia Otti State Governor suspends communications On Dr. Ngozi Okoronkwo’s health over mismanagement of funds

Abia Otti State Governor suspends communications On Dr. Ngozi Okoronkwo’s health over mismanagement of funds

Abia Otti State Governor suspends communications On Dr. Ngozi Okoronkwo’s health over mismanagement of funds
Governor Alex Otti of Abia State has reportedly suspended the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Ngozi Okoronkwo, over allegations of financial mismanagement and lack of accountability. The suspension, which is expected to be indefinite, was announced during a meeting of the State Executive Council on Monday. This move is in line with the governor’s commitment to maintaining transparency and accountability in his administration.

Speaking to Vanguard, a senior government official confirmed that the governor had directed Dr. Okoronkwo to step down to facilitate an investigation into complaints about her financial management practices. The official emphasized that this action is not an indictment, but a procedural step intended to ensure thorough oversight and adherence to the governor’s vision for transparent governance.

According to reports, the commissioner was asked to step down so that the issues raised against her could be thoroughly investigated. The governor’s decision underscores his zero-tolerance policy against corruption, aimed at strengthening public trust and administrative integrity.

Attempts to contact Dr. Okoronkwo for her comments on the suspension were unsuccessful as she did not respond to calls or text messages.

This development follows the recent suspension of other key officials, including the principal of the Abiriba School of Nursing and the former head of the National Orientation Agency, both of whom were also suspended over alleged mismanagement and lack of transparency. These actions reflect the state government’s continuing efforts to address and rectify issues related to financial and governance irregularities in its institutions.

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Sent: at 11/06/2024 20:24 (14 minutes ago) | Addicted hero