
Mumbai Horror: 24-Year-Old Woman Raped and Blackmailed in Ghatkopar, Police Search for 21-Year-Old Accused

Mumbai Horror: 24-Year-Old Woman Raped and Blackmailed in Ghatkopar, Police Search for 21-Year-Old Accused

A case of rape of a 24-year-old woman has come to light at the Ghatkopar police station in Mumbai. The police registered a case against the 21-year-old accused under section 376, 328, 506 and 384 of the Indian Penal Code and is actively seeking it.

According to information received from Ghatkopar police, both the accused and the victim reside in Ghatkopar area. The accused called the victim to his house for a conversation and offered her water to drink. A police officer stated that the accused had added a sedative to the water, as a result of which the woman lost consciousness after drinking it.

The policeman explained that after the woman lost consciousness, the accused allegedly raped her and recorded the entire incident on his mobile phone.

A day after the incident, the accused sent the video to the victim via WhatsApp and started blackmailing her with it.

He threatened to share the video online and continued to blackmail the woman. Fearing that the video would be leaked, the victim handed over Rs 5 lakh in cash and 15 tonnes of gold to the accused.

For several months, the accused extorted money from the victim by threatening to share the recording. Fearing family disgrace, the victim borrowed money from friends and relatives under various pretexts and stole jewelry from family members to meet the defendant’s demands.

The police officer explained that the defendant’s demands gradually increased, making it impossible for the injured party to meet them. She finally confided in her family. The victim and her family then filed a complaint at the nearest police station.

Ghatkopar police have registered a case against the accused and are actively searching for him. The police officer mentioned that the accused and the complainant lived nearby.