
BSF jawan attacked by B’desh intruders, fighting for life | India news

BSF jawan attacked by B’desh intruders, fighting for life |  India news

KOLKATA: A top BSF officer was attacked with a sharp weapon on Monday evening by a Bangladeshi group that had infiltrated into Indian territory by breaching an improvised border fence at Dhantala in Bengal’s Nadia district. Gokul Mondal suffered serious injuries to his hip, waist and neck and is fighting for his life.

Due to the BSF’s non-lethal strategy policy, Mondal tried to fire his pump-action gun (PAG) in self-defense when he was surrounded, but it failed to fire, emboldening the criminals to attack.

In a strongly worded statement, the BSF said, “This horrific incident of attack on a BSF jawan took place on Indian territory. Bangladesh is a friendly country and the BSF has adopted a non-lethal strategy to avoid killing at the border. However, Bangladeshi miscreants are emboldened by adopting a non-lethal strategy and are attacking BSF personnel on duty very often.”

“Despite repeated protest notes to the Bangladesh Border Guard over illegal incursions by smugglers and miscreants, the officers continue to deliberately and illegally cross the border after breaching the BGB security net and attacking the BSF jawans,” he added.

The BSF and BGB later held a flag meeting in which the former picked up the attack. At around 10.45 p.m., Mondal spotted 6-7 intruders and alerted nearby patrols. Half an hour later, another jawan spotted four people crossing the border. On orders to retreat, they tried to surround the constable and attack him. The constable fired the PAG, but it did not fire. Hearing the shot, Mondal rushed to help his friend and chased the villains, but they attacked him and fled towards Bangladesh.