
Jail for Lochore man who attacked policewoman

Jail for Lochore man who attacked policewoman

Before sending him to jail, the sheriff told 27-year-old Kyle McCormack that violence against officers was increasing and would not be tolerated.

McCormack, of Waverley Place, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

He admitted that on December 18 in Waverley Place he attacked a policewoman by grabbing her by the neck, repeatedly punching and kicking her and attempting to bite her.

Assistant Treasurer Lauren Pennycook said officers were called to the house and allowed entry.

They found McCormack hiding under the covers.

He became aggressive, grabbed the officer by the neck, and then started punching and kicking her.

More police officers were called to help.

McCormack continued to punch and kick her and then tried to bite her hand. He was attacked with pepper spray and his eyes were sprayed. He has been arrested.

Defense lawyer Stephen Morrison said his client had already received a repayment order issued recently in April.

Sheriff Wylie Robertson said: “Attacks on police officers appear to be increasing. The courts will not tolerate such behavior.”

He sentenced McCormack to 14 months in prison.

In April, McCormack avoided jail time for punching her ex-partner in the street after she said she did not want to rekindle their relationship.