
A former policeman raped a woman twice

A former policeman raped a woman twice

Former police officer sentenced to 12 years in prison for raping a woman twice. Former police officer Aaron May, also known as Aron May, who grew up in Carmarthenshire before joining West Midlands Police, was an officer when he carried out the attacks on the “terrified” victim.

Judge Martin Jackson described the 40-year-old as a “completely likable, loving person” at work and in social situations, “hiding the face of the perpetrator”. Worcester Crown Court heard a statement from the victim who said: “When he did what he did, all the emotions you would expect came out – dirt, shame, embarrassment and so lonely. I had to cleanse myself. I lost control of my own body.”

Both attacks occurred within two weeks in 2019. On May 1, he approached the victim, picked her up, carried her to another room and ignored her requests that she did not want to have sex. The victim later confronted May about the rape and he cursed at her. “In effect, you said you wanted everything to be your way,” the judge said. The victim recorded this conversation and was used as evidence in May’s trial, in which he tried to portray the incident as “consensual” sexual activity. “It was far from it,” the judge said.

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During the second attack, May woke up the sleeping victim. He ignored her protests again and raped her. Judge Jackson said that in both attacks the “purpose” was to “satisfy May’s sexual needs” and “take control” of the woman. The court heard that the victim blamed herself for what had happened and, for the first time in her life, had difficulty coping with work while also struggling with anxiety. She was “terrified” during the attacks and later relied on medication to “lock down” how she felt.

The judge noted that May, of Romsley Lane, Romsley, Shropshire, had shown no remorse and “continued to maintain his denials” despite the jury finding him guilty of the rapes. His lawyer, Michelle Heeley KC, told the judge: “You are not dealing with a man who poses a continuing risk.” She said he had been in a “loving and respectful relationship” for the past five years and noted that his probation officer had assessed him as posing no significant risk of serious harm to others.

Some 22 character references were submitted on May’s behalf, including some questioning his guilt and even using offensive language towards the victim. The judge described some of the references as “poorly judged”. The court also heard the Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers, was paid from its insurance for May to be defended in court by leading barrister Ms Heeley.

Imposing a 12-year prison sentence and an indefinite restraining order, the judge told May: ‘While you may have insight at an abstract level into the seriousness of the offense of rape committed by others, you have no insight into your own conduct. The simple fact is that when a police officer commits a crime, whether publicly or privately, that crime undermines the trust that the public should have in him, which I believe is a serious aggravating factor in this case.”

West Midlands Police Deputy Chief Constable Scott Green said: “Aron May was dismissed from West Midlands Police in May 2024 following a misconduct hearing following his conviction at Worcester Crown Court for two counts of rape . Today he was sentenced to 12 years. The public rightly expects the highest standards of professionalism from our officers and staff, and we are determined to ensure that those who violate these standards are held accountable.”